With these two combined, you are a GOD!!!
I guess Shoulder Charge with Invective, that's pretty a pretty good combo too, right?
I want to hear some PVP players' opinions!
Universal Remote + Conspiracy Take-my-D or Felwinter's + Shadestep + Keen Scout = God
Shoulder charge and invective reminds me of the krogan vanguard on Mass Effect 3 multiplayer lol
Invective is the only gun I use in pvp now shuts down supers better than anything
What about sword and shadestep?
As huge of a shotgun user I am, I hate the invective. It takes no skill, just spray and pray
Just tried out side arms in crucible and decided in not putting them down.
Weak.....Defender + shotgun + No back-up plans is King on the battlefield
[quote]With these two combined, you are a SCRUB!!! I guess Shoulder Charge with Invective, that's pretty a pretty good combo too, right? I want to hear some PVP players' opinions![/quote] fixed
Shotguns should be risk reward Invective is just reward
shoulder charge has a delay which makes you switch back to the invective as if you switched from a primary to it so it isn't that great of a combo but invective alone is good enough
The butt hurt 1k yard sale threads Need to come read this^^^
Invective is god in elimination.
Invective makes crucible easy mode
Chaperone+No Backup Plans.