I meant you plebeian cüñt
Looks like somebody doesn't know how to bypass the filter without accents.
Nah dude... I'm bored and taking a long ass shit and playing on my phone. Because idiots on the forums give me that little tingle In the oh so sensitive spot
Edited by overlordkualsi: 11/25/2015 6:39:32 AMYou're also lacking proper grammar. You capitalize the wrong words, do not use commas, just to name quite few. You obviously aren't intellectually capable of a legitimate discussion, and have a small pool of insults that most people have used since grade school. Your attempts at dialogue are appalling, and as a whole, you are atrocious. Good day, young madam.
And you meant "that" not hat. You cousin fûcking basement dweller.
Sorry, Autocorrect can be quite a nuisance.
I imagine you talk with a lisp in real life and look like this https://media4.giphy.com/media/xTiTnwgQ8Wjs1sUB4k/giphy.gif
I have no speech impairment, and my hair is much more well kept than that caricature.
I actually love you. We get each other.
You're a cùñt who came from a cûñts cûñt. Maybe if everyone corrected grammar like you we could all be overweight virgins who role play on a destiny forum.
It's actually spelled "сunt"
No it's Spanish for cum catcher
Spanish words never have more than one accent mark
Nah you're wrong.. They can have up to 9 per word and for no reason
That's a lie
Your status you dumbass
So you resorted to reading my profile to find comebacks?