So after doing a nightfall with a couple randoms we decided to go do POE 35 for fun because we had extra treasure keys and the update coming soon where etheric light will have a use again. This week's skolas is super easy not only because the 3 of us were all 40s against lvl 35 enemies but the small arms modifier was active as well making the last round boss and skolas a breeze. Just messing around took us a total of 28 minutes with no frustration of people dying, enemies too hard, mines, etc. Afterwards I decided to help one of them with the "No Time to Explain" quest where he was on the killing atheon part. A friend of mine joined the party and I invited him to join us when he asked what we were doing, after telling him he said he'd never done VOG before. Turns out he's a year 2 player who's never done any year 1 raid or POE before. Now the two randoms I was with wanted someone with experience but I gladly invited my friend anyway so he could experience the raid and help us out, a bit later he invited a friend of his own who was also a year 2 player and hasn't done any year 1 stuff either. So as we go through the raid we were teaching/showing them everything from making them step into the green goo from fanatics then cleansing in mid, killing a gorgon and then sneaking past the rest, up to the part where after you kill the gatekeeper you go through the gates to collect the relics. Normally I'd solo both or at least one gate but instead I told them to follow me to see what it was like and teach them how to use the relic. We beat atheon easily but on the way also told them a little lore such as the ghosts outside of the area you fight atheon, about Praedyth (hope I spelled it right), the gate in what seemed to be the middle of nowhere which you go through for the NTTE quest, etc. After the raid we thought why stop there? Why not show them the other raid as well? So we went to the moon to go kill crota where we showed them everything and went through the whole raid very easily. In the end they got the year 1 raid shaders/emblems and one of them even got patience and time. While I did not have the time to do Skolas with them today they told me they enjoyed both raids and found it very fun wishing they still had a purpose in year 2 to do them again. Anyway sorry for the long story but just wanted to share my experience helping year 2 players through the year 1 raids for the first time and how I personally had a lot of fun going back and doing all year 1 endgame stuff than farming the same things hoping for better light leveled gear in year 2 (not complaining about the new raid or anything else).
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