Aside from the moral fact that we are giving the Bungie overlords money, playing into their hands and lining their pockets for minute in-game actions while they continue to hide content behind time gates and withhold potential future DLC because they are already getting money from us through microtransactions, I don't understand why you have such a problem with other people buying emotes...
Despite your pathetic attempt to shut people down by listing excuses, it IS their money and they are entitled to do what they want. And if you can afford it, and you want it, what is the issue? I'm 24, I have my own CC and I bought the Thriller emote because I wanted it. I could afford it, I wanted it, and I knew it was available for a limited time, so I bought it. Deal with it. If you, OP, cannot afford them and this is an outcry because you are jealous, then I feel sorry for you. But don't contribute to the cancer of these forums because you are jealous.
I got the thriller emote with the silver they had given me. Plus I didn't ''attempt'' to shut people down by listing their poor excuses. [spoiler]I did.[/spoiler]
You didn't shut anyone down... People are still posting the rational explanation for why they chose to bought them. Unless certain people got more silver for some reason, they didn't give enough to buy Thriller... They gave 400 silver. Thriller was 700, if I recall correctly.
The thriller was 600 and I had 600. You guys are getting your numbers mixed up. I haven't seen ONE single logical explanation on spending money for a virtual emote.
Edited by Beast123: 11/26/2015 12:22:52 AMThey only give you 400 silver
I had 600.
Then you are among our ranks and spent money on a virtual emote :)