Implying everyone who bought emotes, is a know what's childish? Generalizing, based off of what you THINK. Assuming plenty, before you know half the story.
I could've just called you a dumbass, but that's too simple lol
You DO realize a good chunk of silver was given out to everyone, for free....right? How is that spending real money? *cough* you're a moron *cough* leave the forums *cough cough*
They gave away 400 silver. enough to buy two emotes. Anyone with a purple emote bought it with money.
Like the dance you have on your Titan? Please don't switch it leave on while your trolling.
I had money left over from a gift card stupid. So I didn't spend my own money stupid. Also maybe proofread what you write before you post retard.
Gift card riiiiiiiiiiiiight! So predictable.
Minor confirmed lmao.
They spent all of....mmmmm 5$ max? People can spend their money as they please. Nobody has to explain shit lol.