[quote]Oh jesus no you clearly are the one in question of stupidity here. Did you read anywhere at all where I agreed with his complaint about -blam!-ing emotes? No? Then shut it. Secondly, I was replying in response to him thinking we get paid dlc from these emotes even though it was confirmed we wouldn't be getting free dlc. Even the notion of "Free" is a foreign concept to Activision.[/quote]
How much did you pay for your masks got for Halloween?
Edit: there will be both paid and free. They never said there wouldn't be free content, only there would be more paid content. There is a difference.
Oh god arguring with you is like talking to a brick wall. I'm done you can't win a battle with stupid. One last thing, I didn't, haven't, and never will spend money on this game besides the base the Vanilla that I paid $40 for.
Arguing? I think you overestimate your opinion. It's too easy to prove wrong. I'm not arguing, I'm just saying how it is.
Okay dipshit talk to me when you are throwing more money at the screen like the blind moron you are
LOL. Don't you love the anonymity of the Internet. Everyone's so tough. LOL.
Tough would be wasted on idiots like you. No, rather than listen to a clear cut fact and quote you stay in denial of the fact and given Activision's past DlC pricing campaigns, I can assure you there will be no free dlc. To you though, that's falling on deaf ears since you're so hopelessly stupid.
Okay. Did they say there would be no free dlc? Find me that quote.
Edited by Din: 11/26/2015 4:14:19 PM[quote]Okay. Did they say there would be no free dlc? Find me that quote.[/quote] Here it is in case you can't find it. [quote]And on Destiny, Drew, I think they are already coexisting. We had a full year of expansions to the game that have been very well the received and sold quite well. And more recently you've seen us introduce smaller end game purchases that allow people to customize their experience and express themselves and those have been very well the received and have sold well also. So I think we've already shown that DLC and microtransactions can exist and that our community is hungry for more great content.[/quote] Is there anywhere is here that says they won't be providing any free content like holiday stuff and such? Content does not necessarily mean more strikes or raids. Holiday games, gear, stuff that just appears is content as well. It isn't magically created and it takes time and work to create. When you work you get paid for it. There will always be content they add which we don't pay for. They already do. You can ignore that and think you're right if you like but it doesn't make you right. You can argue that "we are entitled to that stuff so it doesn't count as free content" but at the end of the day work and people time went into the creating it. It cost money and time out of people's lives to create. It deserves to be paid for. Some of it we won't pay for, they have already done this. I'm not sure why you don't see that?