1. Shutting everyone down because you believe your opinion is the holy grail is making you seem like the most self-entitled, stubborn prick on the forums. Learn how to counter arguments efficiently before you come here spewing pathetic backlashes at everyone.
2. Your excuse #2 claims that people are exaggerating their salaries, yet 2 paragraphs later, you claim to be making over 250k a year. Hypocrisy at its finest.
3. Taking valid arguments and hanging up them up for display so you can laugh at them does not discredit them in the slightest, it only displays your inability to counter any argument with anything other than unfounded criticism.
4. You can [i]never[/i] counter [b]any[/b] argument by saying "TL;DR, my argument is still valid." Just because you don't have the mental capacity to read anything past 2 sentences doesn't mean you're right. It just says you're illiterate.
Feel free to add to the list.
I would add to the list but... You pretty much summed it up