So next xurday is also black Friday. Xur's stock is preselected by Bungie, so do you think they'll give us anything special? Comment theories and predictions, and we will see who is psychic.
What is [url=]Black Friday[/url]?
[spoiler]About ⅔ of voters are predicting disappointment. This is what they want Xûr to bring:
Titan - Crest of Alpha Lupi
Hunter - Crest of Alpha Lupi
Warlock - Starfire Protocol
Exotic chest engram
Legacy chest engram[/spoiler]
Hate to be mean,but I would actually like to see junk..things he's sold already that I have and no exotic engrams of any kind...for the purpose of being to grind another weekly 157 coins, then next week yeah sell engrams so I can fill my vault with 310's again...and no more wasting on 3oC it's totally garbage now