We are looking for Mature gamers 21+ years old for both Xbox ONE & PS4
So far we have over 140 in the group and 60 members in the clans both men and women.
We have an alliance with 2 other great clans with gamers all over the world. (over 500 members)
If you are a NON-ELITEST then this is your group. Laid back gaming is what we are all about
We are the WarMUTTS PvP/Trials/Raid/Strike Clan.
For us its fun with friends before score and skill.
There are no tryouts or interviews. No score, level, grimore or ratio requirements.
Have FUN and the rest should fall in line.
The WarMUTTS (X1/PS4 - PvP/Raids/Trials)
Hey I've never been in a clan before I've been solo 99% of the time and Today was my first kings fall run and It was horrible! I was with a bunch of elitist And I didn't have a strong grasp on what was going on And after all the fighting and agrivation and blame that was being shelled out literally made it my worst experience with destiny so far I'm looking for a chill group who just wants to laugh and enjoy the fun of getting to the end I'm very good in the crucible because it's the only thing for a solo player to do Anyways I look forward to playing with you guys Titan 296 maxed classes