So an end all sniper rifle? I like! What do you see story wise for this weapon?
The story oh boy idk. Play around with the idea of a virtually unwinnable battle? Idk hadn't really thought about the story to much
Hm... So one dude against all odds in let's say... Hive Spawn ground, no reinforcements, no retreat, and he has this sniper rifle and he's battling his emotions at the same time and in the end accepts death before going out in a blaze of glory?
I like most of it. How about add the fact that he dies with 3 bullets left?
Ok! Can do! I'll write it as soon as I can! (Which frankly may be a bit since I have several orders I'm already backed up on...)
Okay. No worries man! I just appreciate the write up. Don't know how I'm gonna find this again :/ my app is glitched it won't load from notifications
I'll send you the link when I get the first chapter up
Okay thanks!