originally posted in:Abandoned Light
If your a one or 360 player please place your name in this post
Xbox one gt: prof cyclops11
Edited by Fire: 1/7/2016 11:01:03 PMI'm Xbox one now gt same
Shadowdog2000 on Xbox One
CentricBlock031 both 360 and one
Edited by M4g1cMik3: 12/21/2015 9:02:08 AMOn as much as possible. Still learning the game but not new to FPS. Tag is M4g1cMik3 add to chill and play
Xbox one. GT same as above
V9 joez raids night fall trials I'm down 2 play anything
Edited by KINGDavidofYAH: 12/10/2015 4:17:32 AMXbox 1. Gamer tag is Seraph1990. I play Destiny everyday so add if you need a fire team member.
XBOXONE - roidragescout hit me up experienced veteran
Xbox One: SunshineCaSD
Neohyren on Xbox 1
Native Mutt 360 for now
I have Xbox one add me madcloth8
I'm an Xbox One gamer. New to Destiny, but lvled up at lvl 40; light 280. My gamer tag is RavensHolm4. Hit me up for raids, strikes, nightfalls, or anything of the likes. I'm game.
I am an XBOX One player. Gamer Tag is Osiris T
Maverick45454 Xbox one
I am one want to do trials today
JackJack1 - XB1
firebite117 xb360
ix ninjitsu xi xb1
ooo kcsnake ooo