What needs more skill in PVP!? Sniper or Shotgun?
Just curious to see what majority of the forum users believe takes more skill. I am not talking about any other game, so please don't compare to anything else (BO3, Halo, etc)
Feel free to express your opinion why sniping/shotgun take more skill.
Happy trials folks!
**Btw if yall could bump or like the post so more people get to see it* would be greatly appreciated!**
[spoiler]snipers all day[/spoiler]
Edit: Thanks for everyone's input! As many have said it really takes no skill for either weapon if your are just camping a lane/door**
I will say this, snipers take skill, more so than shotguns. However with the growing popularity of snipers I feel that aim assist across all snipers needs to be adjusted to force ppl to really choose between their special weapons as I feel that the aim assist on some snipers right now is too high. You should be able to shoot to the right or left of someone's head and get a headshot. I feel that making an adjustment to sniper aim assist will force players to really be skilled with the weapon and not just take advantage of game mechanics such as aim assist. At least then I would be able to look at the sniper who just scoped me from across the map and legitimately say "what a great shot". And on another note I think shotguns do take some skill to perfect the sliding and blinking (if you blink, I personally don't) techniques. Some ppl make it look easy but it isn't as easy as everyone thinks to pull off, and I believe with the coming nerf k shotgun range again ppl who use shotguns or see shotguns used against them will really see a difference in skill as the shotgun range will be where it needed to be in the first place which will force talented players to create new ways of closing in long distances between targets to get the full effect of the shotgun which is how it always should have been.