Looking to go flawless?
Looking for squad to do a quick flawless run with. Im a great shot gunner, this map is perfect for it. should be an easy run if you know what you're doing.
must have gone flawless in year 2
add allday7710. let get this done
Looking to go flawless for the first time i have been trying since the taken king came out i need the best players to help me im tired of going 7,8,9 wins and loss i just want to go to light house one time i have no passage coins and i had 90 from year one. So please be a amazing player. PS IF YOU KNOW YOUR NOT A GOOD PLAYER DO NOT INV ME I PLAY PVP DAY A NIGHT PLZ GOOD PLAYERS ONLY Also im not a dick i just been doing trails so long im tired of doing it i just want to get this done. Gt Abstraction X Hunter 314 light Kd 1.5 Skill level: i can hold my own Xbox one Primary Suros Regime 313 Special Stillpiercer 320 Heavy The Unseeing Eye 312
Need two for flawless run. I have a 1.12 KD but it's because I run passage coin runs a ton. Add Uncle_Octavious if you have a 1.4+ KD and know what to do
Need 1 for trials me and my mate have both gone flawless and have a 1.3 kd up pls have emblem and a 1.3 up kd add navso71
Edited by RyanShurry: 11/29/2015 4:46:08 PMClosed
Need 2 for flawless add pazzogd
Need 1 for bounties
Need 2 for trials team Have been flawless before but no stress add cactuar_HD for chill game
305 Hunter LF Team to do bounties with, no mics
Need one more for last flawless run must have a good Kd leave names to be added
Need one that are over 305 light and have kd over 1.00. Must have gone flawless in year two. Looking to go flawless. Add morfeuz23
Never tried trials before anyone interested in helping me Iam a 307 Titan add wolf_196502
Need one that are over 305 light and have kd over 1.00. Add morfeuz23
Need one for trials
need 2 for flawless. Have emblem. Also be an amazing sniper add bball_jordan685. This is not for bounties. Please have gone flawless more than once. Have mics and communicate
Need 1 more to run bounties. RumbleFish7D
Need 2 players for bounties only! Don't worry about winning but Please be decent no mic needed just know what your doing please! Add rocholio92
Need 2 people that just wanna grind bounties and not really worry about wins, if interested add jagnow33
Need two for trial bounties
Need a group. Good sniper. Easy going add kiddkush_
Need two try hards for flawless. I will be using sunbreaker and sniping. Please, nobody wants to waste anyone's time right? No noobs please Add ThaPhantomGamer
Need 1 for trials 1.00+ add SUPEERCHAPIN
Must have good weapons Must be 310+ Carry own weight Ps4 FRESH flawless run Let's go flawless Ps4 Add: Carnage4566
Hey I'm helping ppl get to the lighthouse top 1% in trials I'm streaming at twitch.tv/dubplayz come check it out and play dubplayz at twitch
need 1 more for bounties add Roachlife
Carrying 2 for flawless already been flawless 3x this week my KD: 1.30 hunter 1.5 warlock 1.9 on Titan
Doing flawless to help people who haven't got it before add Dano2kraz