Looking to go flawless?
Looking for squad to do a quick flawless run with. Im a great shot gunner, this map is perfect for it. should be an easy run if you know what you're doing.
must have gone flawless in year 2
add allday7710. let get this done
Need 1 for trials be good not looking for flawless PSN same as above
We need one more add: Kidd_Antt 310+ trying to go flawless
Need a team for bounties add me and join
Need 2 with flawless emblems add zfantasmin
need 1 to do 9 0 must be very very good with shotgun and be agressive in this way we can destroy other team add same as above and join
Looking for two beast players who are aggressive and know how to win. I can hold my own. Communication is key to successful ToO light house win. Light level 305+, expert snipers preferred, have year two emblem, mic required. Psn |o_0|WHoizdat, if you're a team of two who play well together... That would be great. Join in and let's win our chance to go to the light house.
Looking a firewall to play with 306 Hunter psn Drayton4000
Need 2 more for flawless I'm try hard and I am very experienced 317 light add faaarq2
Does anyone need one. I'm a 311/12 Titan. PSN: Kidd_Antt Looking to go flawless
Need 2 for trials add X007GOLD PS4
Need 2 for flawless must have YR2 embelem add K_Bell04
Looking to go flawless add nicepegasus 313+
Need 2 for flawless must have YR2 embelem add K_Bell04
Hunter 310 Looking to go flawless
Need one for flawless must have year two emblem hmu tweaknhoe
send a chat invite to Shaman_Noodles already done all my flawless and such, just looking to help out.
Need 2 for trials i have .8 kd add getsumcake
Need two for trials hmu tweaknhoe must have year two emblem
Need 1 for flawless Must be 310+ and have emblem Looking for hunter or Titan Add ciupak_j08
Need 1 for flawless Must be 310+ and have emblem Looking for hunter or Titan Add ciupak_j08
Need 2 for flawless. Must have flawless emblem add cbe-ko
Edited by Caim31: 11/30/2015 3:32:31 PMlooking for one solid player to do bounties and get the boots! add Aresco and join
Looking to go flawless, I'll be playing on a hunter and running a shotgun I will need 2 strong players who are willing to help me, I've haven't been to this YR 2 light house yet and would really like too If you want to carry a little and sometimes a lot then I'm the right person your looking for =) I have a mic and am an effective communicator! PSN: omg-wata-badarse Sorry people I can't carry anyone so please don't add if your unable to help me (sorry don't mean to sound rude!) SOMEONE PLEASE HELP A GAL OUT LOL!!!
Lf 1 good to flaw run , you must be done it before many times add lvihx
Need 2 for 1 shot at flawless run. Add texasguru710
Edited by NYDIBS: 11/30/2015 3:23:21 PMlooking for flawless run, will be on later today. I have a 1.5 k/d this weekend on anomaly, went 9-1 yesterday