Looking to go flawless?
Looking for squad to do a quick flawless run with. Im a great shot gunner, this map is perfect for it. should be an easy run if you know what you're doing.
must have gone flawless in year 2
add allday7710. let get this done
Need one for trials add anadize
Need a group, flawless or bounties. Been flawless year two. Have bounties to finish from the holiday weekend... I have a 305 titan, 312 hunter, 314 warlock. Can run either...
Lighthouse carries on both consoles if you need help join the stream !
Looking for one more to run trials. Looking to go flawless so please be a serious player, and be able and willing to communicate.
Looking to go flawless, I'll be playing on a hunter and running a shotgun I will need 2 strong players who are willing to help me, I've haven't been to this YR 2 light house yet and would really like too If you want to carry a little and sometimes a lot then I'm the right person your looking for =) I have a mic and am an effective communicator! PSN: omg-wata-badarse Sorry people I can't carry anyone so please don't add if your unable to help me (sorry don't mean to sound rude!) SOMEONE PLEASE HELP A GAL OUT LOL!!!
Need one guy that would like to go to the light house
Looking for 2 powerful, experienced and been flawless player to help me to go lighthouse. I admit that I am not so well in pvp but I can be a very good supporter. I really hope the elite one can help me. Please add me if you can give me a hand. Thanks very much.
Hi, I would like to go flawless but i'm not a great pvp players. I would need 2 great players that help me to go to the lighthouse.i hold my own. If you can help me, add: Federico-Toso
Need 1 more for flawless run add Funky_Worm99
Need 2 for flawless got the emblem got a mic add Jstyloz on ps4
Need one more for flawless. Must be 310+ and have gone flawless before. Add Fr3shskemo17 to join
Edited by Kaizernova: 11/30/2015 1:51:05 PMNeed 1 more for trials psn kaizernova
Need a good player for the bounties. Join blnc1989
ADD ME: [b]BOOMH3AD305[/b] Vault of Glass Raid [[u]NO TIME TO EXPLAIN QUEST[/u]] [b]Fireteam[/b]: 1. [u]Warlock[/u] - [b]309[/b]Light 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ADD ME: [b]BOOMH3AD305[/b] [b]*NOTICE*[/b] ([u]Only for [b]Experienced[/b] guardians who know what they're doing [/u]) I'm trying to run through it. Thanks
Finishing up a card to get passage coins Looking for a group that wants to go flawless on my next run! Please be experienced, not asking anyone to carry me but you should be the same.
Need 1 to go flawless have 2.31kd in trials so I can hold my own add ExoticDemonz
Hi, I would like to go flawless but i'm not a great pvp players. I would need 2 great players that help me to go to the lighthouse.i hold my own. If you can help me, add: Federico-Toso
Anyone got bounties to finish?
I'm looking for 2 ppl to go flawless. Must have gone flawless and be 310+ and have a positive kd. Not looking to carry ppl. Add Fr3shskemo17 to join
Add andrewxg99 my light on all of my chars are above 310. I'm looking for people to go flawless with. Not looking for people to be yelling through the mic . Just be chill know what your doing and have guns to swap to for situations.
Need one for flawless Psn - ii_nolimit_ii Good KD, carry your own.
Need two for flawless. I'm a 315 titan. Have emblem
Looking for 2 Add JimthaJim
Looking to go flawless, I'll be playing on a hunter and running a shotgun I will need 2 strong players who are willing to help me, I've haven't been to this YR 2 light house yet and would really like too If you want to carry a little and sometimes a lot then I'm the right person your looking for =) I have a mic and am an effective communicator! PSN: omg-wata-badarse Sorry people I can't carry anyone so please don't add if your unable to help me (sorry don't mean to sound rude!) SOMEONE PLEASE HELP A GAL OUT LOL!!!
Need 1 for bounties AsatoMotors
Looking for a that is trying to go flawless add thoa44