Looking to go flawless?
Looking for squad to do a quick flawless run with. Im a great shot gunner, this map is perfect for it. should be an easy run if you know what you're doing.
must have gone flawless in year 2
add allday7710. let get this done
Flawless run. 1.5kd and multiple lighthouse trips y1 and y2. Must hold you're own. Add SamuelWelsford
Lf2 bounty run for fun. Aznmix
Need 1 more flawless add amaterasu713 .must gone flawless before
I am looking for two players. You can be elitist you can be average, I myself probably won't see the lighthouse but I'm fine with that. I can however complete the bounties and maybe get a few wins, I am going in for the bounties mainly. If anyone wants to join me name as above. If we get wins then bonus, if not then so be it. I'm here to complete all bounties. No mic needed. If I don't add you straight away I'm full already. Thanks.
Looking for a 3rd with a k.d above 1.2 and has been flawless. Plz add darkwind511
Psn baker_kfc
Need one more for bounties add me
Looking for 2 competent players for trials, I'm tired of going 8-0
Need one for bounties and hopefully flawless
Lf1 no mic. No expectations. Bounties. Add me
Need 1 for flawless run. Add Faptimus_Fine
Need 1 beast ass dude for trials that has been 2 lighthouse
Need 2 for trials bounties add SlaughteriN-All
Edited by LandonEck907: 11/30/2015 9:32:20 AMLooking for 2 competent players to try and go flawless. Preferably people who have been flawless or can get 8-0. I'm a 315 Hunter with a Snipe and all night. Add me.
Need 1 for flawless add akassassin
316 hunter year 1 and two flawless add theclubooog no scrubs
Lf2m for trials competant players that can hold their own for flawless best ive been able to do is 7 wins multiple times xD Ign: RaidenThe_R1pp3r
Need one. Going for flawless. Add weaslii
need 1 more for bounties if your down add BringMeTheGandhi
Looking for one to go flawless
Need 1 for trials psn the same
I'm a 308 titan but never been to the lighthouse it would be great if someone who has can help me out Add me if you wanna help :)
310 warlock needs 2 for trials, looking to do bounties and get some wins, nothing hectic, add psn: quietqiLLa
Need one for trials need to get one more match to finish bounty! Add joeyfingaz12
Need 1 more trying to go flawless need a good team that can communicate, and can hold there ground Add:shadow_nerd1
Need two good for flawless .. Psn Cesar_qtr