Looking to go flawless?
Looking for squad to do a quick flawless run with. Im a great shot gunner, this map is perfect for it. should be an easy run if you know what you're doing.
must have gone flawless in year 2
add allday7710. let get this done
Looking for 1 more for trials add same name as above
Looking for a 3rd with a k.d above 1.2 who has gone flawless. Plz add darkwind511
Need one. Be good please have a shotty and a sniper.
317 lock need 1 for bounties and flaw add SikSmoke
Looking to go flawless 306 hunter need 2 add me walterc_91
LF good players to help get flawless 310 lock add me
Need 1 for flawless, must be good snipe and can hold your own and have year 2 emblem and can get me to the lighthouse
Need 1 1.3 kd and up Add or message: bronkkoni
Looking for 1 add xxgsxrgerardxx thanks
Hunter LF group to finish bounties
need 2 for bounties if your down add BringMeTheGandhi
Looking to go flawless, I'll be playing on a hunter and running a shotgun I will need 2 strong players who are willing to help me, I've haven't been to this YR 2 light house yet and would really like too If you want to carry a little and sometimes a lot then I'm the right person your looking for =) I have a mic and am an effective communicator! PSN: omg-wata-badarse Sorry people I can't carry anyone so please don't add if your unable to help me (sorry don't mean to sound rude!) SOMEONE PLEASE HELP A GAL OUT LOL!!!
looking for fun/flawless attempt add dodgermcnasty
Need 1 with a kd of 1.5+ let's go flawless, lets get it add my psn: ziFrank-
Lf trial team that's laid back and drinking. Add polish__rifle 303 huntard
Looking to go flawless, I'll be playing on a hunter and running a shotgun I will need 2 strong players who are willing to help me, I've haven't been to this YR 2 light house yet and would really like too If you want to carry a little and sometimes a lot then I'm the right person your looking for =) I have a mic and am an effective communicator! PSN: omg-wata-badarse Sorry people I can't carry anyone so please don't add if your unable to help me (sorry don't mean to sound rude!) SOMEONE PLEASE HELP A GAL OUT LOL!!!
need 2. please know what youre doing. presid-end-tail
Need one more for flawless run i went flawless every weekend please at least decent add Bootyprophet
Need one more add tunni123 and join
Edited by Dawn of Mercy: 11/30/2015 7:02:57 AMNeed 1 for flawless run. Add Faptimus_Fine
2.01 KD looking for similarly skilled players
Need 1 more add tunni123
Looking for 1 more for flawless run hold ur own please year 2 flawless add purexecuadorian
Looking for one. Just went flawless, now just playing for fun. Add dragoth_D
310 Warlock LFG just to do bounties and have fun. Snd Inv GT: MegamanSteve
Need 2 300+ psn above