Looking to go flawless?
Looking for squad to do a quick flawless run with. Im a great shot gunner, this map is perfect for it. should be an easy run if you know what you're doing.
must have gone flawless in year 2
add allday7710. let get this done
Need 1 more just for bounties. No pressure either. Add me
Looking for group to do trials with, I'm a hunter 314 I am a good player. Never been flawless but trying send me a invite at nagchampas
Need one for quick flawless run. I'm top 2% and looking for someone with similar ranking. Psn: Jeregorn
Lookin for a flawless team. Add HappierNicker
Anyone looking for one? I'm a decent player. 310 Hunter. Wanna play for fun and I'm chill.
Need 1 more with 310+ light and must have gone flawless in yr 2
315 warlock Need 1 flawless guardians that are absolute beast in trials have y2 emblem equipped add con_zquence already went flawless this week on my third character
Need 1 extremely talented guardian for flawless trials. Need to have been flawless year 2 and be chill AF. Leggo
Need one for flawless run. Must be able to carry your own weight and have gone flawless in year two. Don't waste my time or my boons
Need 1 to round out bounties add greenjake231
Need two people with 1.6KD! Helping people get to the lighthouse.. I'm top 3% in trials add ItsKico11
Need 1 extremely talented guardian for flawless trials. Need to have been flawless year 2 and be chill AF. Leggo
Need 1 for flawless run.. 310+ and must be able to hole your own!! Not carrying anyone.. I got a 1.44 kd so you should be around that as well.. Don't waste my time Add Sperle88
Need 1 extremely talented guardian for flawless trials. Need to have been flawless year 2 and be chill AF. Leggo
Need one to have fun win and do bounties add economic_rage
looking for a fireteam for trials. ps4. 308 hunter. add mehrank90
Need 1 extremely talented guardian for flawless trials. Need to have been flawless year 2 and be chill AF. Leggo
FLAWLESS RUN ONLY Must be: 1.3KD, 35+DTR Don't be like A_Chilli come in talking about you got a 2.0 KD because you made a new character then get wrecked every rd & I have to be captain save-a-ho. Oh he got some heavy & super kills *Bravo - no gun skillz I don't want to carry you, carry your own weight Join: xC-DADDYx
I need 2 very exp players to run flawless with. Add same as name must have yr2 emblem. 312+
Trying to do bountys. Haven't done trials in year 2. If anyone needs 1
Titan 313 lf trials team
all aboard the flawless train! me and my buddy are carrying people all night add: double_hd3
looking for a fireteam for trials. ps4. 308 hunter. add mehrank90
Lf1 for trials bounties add IKROMLECHI
Anyone wanna carry im a 315 hunter Im in top 30% in kills and deaths (not kd ratio) Closest I made was 8-1 If u do help I have a noob friend at lvl 25 who can do refer a friend with u Add: FLAMING_SAVAGE36
LF2 ToO Add kuhpofjoe