Looking to go flawless?
Looking for squad to do a quick flawless run with. Im a great shot gunner, this map is perfect for it. should be an easy run if you know what you're doing.
must have gone flawless in year 2
add allday7710. let get this done
looking for one more. Mainly doing bounties. Add KrazyKayn
310 Sunbreaker Titan Red Death Conspiracy Theory-D Harrowed Quillum's Terminus Crest of Alpha Lupi Looking for one player that is as equally determined to go flawless and are confident they'll be capable of assisting the team in getting there. If interested, message xPeaceSells1986 your light level, class, subclass, and loadout for an invite.
Need one for trials add psn yetspaghett no squeakers plz
Im a 312 hunter looking to go flawless
Need 2 going flawless. Plz be positive in kd and mature. Add: wuvmepanda
Need 1 for trails must have a 1.0 Kd and must have the year two emblem
Need one for trial 1.6kd and up gt prentissevo
Need 2 1.2 k/d+ for flawless add c-rushing
Need 2 trying to get this done fast. Add cory732 if your good and have emblem
Need 2 for bounties add and join
I need 1 for trials must have 1.5k/d or better and I will check here's my stats http://my.destinytrialsreport.com/ps/mrtsps http://destinytracker.com/destiny/crucible/ps/mrtsps Psn mrtsps
310 Sunbreaker Titan Red Death Conspiracy Theory-D Harrowed Quillum's Terminus Crest of Alpha Lupi Looking for one player that is as equally determined to go flawless and are confident they'll be capable of assisting the team in getting there. If interested, message xPeaceSells1986 your light level, class, subclass, and loadout for an invite.
[quote]Looking to go flawless? Looking for squad to do a quick flawless run with. Im a great shot gunner, this map is perfect for it. should be an easy run if you know what you're doing. must have gone flawless in year 2 add allday7710. let get this done[/quote] Need 1 for trails add avalon2175
Lf quick flawless run add X-_SXL_-X
Need 1 for bounties
Looking for 1, must have been flawless and light level 305+
Need one for flawless add killme_quickly my kd is 1.35 please have a nice kd I will check
Need two for trials Add l-lionheart7-l to -blam!- some shit up
Looking for 2 players just for bounty add sflasz
Lookin for two guardians just toplay some matches for gold tier and passage coins.
Light309 hunter looking for bounties run add flyingzebrakick
Been flawless many times lf 2 more who have also for flawless run add X-_SXL_-X
310 Sunbreaker Titan Red Death Conspiracy Theory-D Harrowed Quillum's Terminus Crest of Alpha Lupi Looking for two players that are as equally determined to go flawless and are confident they'll be capable of assisting the team in getting there. If interested, message xPeaceSells1986 your light level, class, subclass, and loadout for an invite.
300 Titan for flawless run. Been flawless many times. Psn: git_rekt_scrubz
Looking to go flawless add XxslimshadyxX101 we need one decent player no mic needed.
Need 1 for trails must have a 1.0 Kd and must have the year two emblem