Looking to go flawless?
Looking for squad to do a quick flawless run with. Im a great shot gunner, this map is perfect for it. should be an easy run if you know what you're doing.
must have gone flawless in year 2
add allday7710. let get this done
Need two 1% trials players to go to the lighthouse I have been flawless in year 2 just want to get this done quick I have to be up early for work psn is same as above.
309 Warlock looking for flawless. Add BeaRTrap-3
Streaming trials flawless run come watch for tips n ideas on the map! http://www.twitch.tv/mensitodg
310-314 hunter here Gone flawless in the past Looking for people with experience And a mic Add Azcruel
312 titan need two for a chill trials run, add and join MrHypochondria1
Need 1 add HurstOlds_84
Need one for flawless be 300+ Have flawless shader. And a mic Add my user
Need one for trials must have mic and not rage
Looking for 2 with at least 1.5+ kd. I am checking stats. Add "Thwek" - Rank 250 in Trials https://guardian.gg/en/leaderboard/2/14/Thwek
need 2 people must have gone flawless must have a kd higher then 1.5 I will check don't lie friend jeffandkasey if interested
Lf2 to go light house ass same as above. Not carrying must be good and hold your own. I'm a 307 titan and been many times flawless with other characters.
I need 2 who have been flawless, must know map and must have good weopons. We will do bounties then flawless.
Need 1 for trials add kyler73100
313 flawless hunter looking to help others, I just ask that you have a mic and pull weight. Let's have fun. Add ghost_sti_
Edited by Red_YNWA_96: 11/30/2015 1:37:19 AM313 hunter i hold my own Shotgunner, sniper, good at both looking for flawless team. GT: RED_YNWA_96
[quote]Looking to go flawless? Looking for squad to do a quick flawless run with. Im a great shot gunner, this map is perfect for it. should be an easy run if you know what you're doing. must have gone flawless in year 2 add allday7710. let get this done[/quote]need 1 who is good and knows what their doing and need self res or hammer of sol plz
Need 2 for bounties and flawless. Add BeaRTrap-3
Need one for a flawless run. Please hold your own and such as well. Add me at x-iMitch-x
309 hunter been 8-0 twice today do not add me unless you know what your doing and HAVE been flawless before can't waste time doing this
311 lock lfg good but not great bann2787
Need 1 add a12345689
316 titan looking for flawless team. I have the emblem. Serious ppl add burnwolf.
315 Titan LF 2 for quick easy flawless run. I have the year 2 emblem you need to too. Check my stats mrsw88 Add Hosthecolossus
Trials - Looking for one, fresh card PSN: GUNS_AND_HARMONY
309 hunter been 8-0 twice today do not add me unless you know what your doing and HAVE been flawless before can't waste time doing this