Looking to go flawless?
Looking for squad to do a quick flawless run with. Im a great shot gunner, this map is perfect for it. should be an easy run if you know what you're doing.
must have gone flawless in year 2
add allday7710. let get this done
Need 2 for flawless run need at least 1 warlock must be 308 + and emblem of year two If you don't have it don't add me I'm a 312 Hunter and been flawless many times Add^
Need 1 have with emblem and 1,5 kda. Fast run psn above
[quote]Hey I'm helping ppl get to the lighthouse top 1% in trials I'm streaming at twitch.tv/dubplayz come check it out and play dubplayz at twitch[/quote]
Hey everybody Trials of Osiris guided tours here! We'll $$ carry $$ you to the lighthouse garunteed! We know it's tough so if you can't make it on your own then we're here to help. Friend me over PSN and I'll message you with more info. Check me out on Twitch to see we're legit (budsdud312 or www.twitch.tv/budsdud312 ). I'm top 3% on Destiny Tracker take a look!
Need one more flawless. Please be really good with a shotgun!! Be able to hold your own I will not carry. Add fos_33
Edited by vvanillagorilla-: 11/29/2015 8:22:32 PMNeed 2 to carry me hopefully add xxyndicatexx35
Need 2 for bounties add O1Gamer100 300+
Looking for 1 for BOUNTIES only Hunter light 304
Room for one. Dont be a douche. Only requirement is that you can hold your own. Lets have some fun and ruin other players day!
Need one for flawless run. Must have 1.5+ kd leave psn below!
Looking for team to have fun, do bounties and possibly go flawless. At least show me you have Y1 emblem and let's do this [313 Titan;experienced; Mic]
310 sunbreaker looking for trials group. Im trying for flawless. 310 + serious players with mics only.
Need 2 for flawless run. Must have year 2 emblem and 1.2 kd Add PhantomRazor007
Need 1 already have a 309 titan and a 317 warlock, you must have gone flawless before and be 309+ add BobXTheXPig
FREE TRIALS CARRIES! All you have to do is watch and comment ( !raffle ) to enter the raffle! www.twitch.tv/vHavik
Looking for team to have fun, do bounties and possibly go flawless. At least show me you have Y1 emblem and let's do this [313 Titan;experienced; Mic]
Need two 300+ for flawless no scrubs I wanna get this done
Im a 302 hunter wit 1000 yard stare and hawksawe and red death. Never been flawless and trying to get ppl to help me plz! Ps4) my psn is PatriotsXxFan12
Need 2 for bounty run and flawless if possible add and join
Need one for flawless run. Must have 1.5+ kd leave psn below!
Need 1. Add bigtut55
need 2 for flawless run, must be warlock or titan and be good at rushing or sniping, i don't have time for inexperienced players, so be experienced
Need to finish bounties inv Nathan_wilde all round player
i'm carrying teams of two to the lighthouse. add me on psn and follow on twitch psn: salami_worstje
Looking for 1 players to go flawless with on trials of Osiris. I need well experienced players who can snipe with emblem to prove they are worthy for another trials run. Not going to carry you. Don't waste my time you will be booted. If interested add CaShiZz.
Does anyone need one more add BLWigglyAkA 300 Hunter