Looking to go flawless?
Looking for squad to do a quick flawless run with. Im a great shot gunner, this map is perfect for it. should be an easy run if you know what you're doing.
must have gone flawless in year 2
add allday7710. let get this done
Need 1 for flawless run be good add name above
Hey everybody Trials of Osiris guided tours here! We'll $$ carry $$ you to the lighthouse garunteed! We know it's tough so if you can't make it on your own then we're here to help. Friend me over PSN and I'll message you with more info. Check me out on Twitch to see we're legit (budsdud312 or www.twitch.tv/budsdud312 ). I'm top 3% on Destiny Tracker take a look!
310 hunter trying to go flawless been 7-0 twice this week and really need a team who knows what they are doing add me if you think you do
Lf 1 good player that can hold their own add name abovd
Need one more for triala. Going for seven wins. Psn same as above
Looking for 2 for BOUNTIES only Hunter light 304
Need 2 for flawless run. Must have emblem and can hold your own. Not looking to carry anyone. Add True_Legend0228
need one more for flawless run 310+ y2 flawless emblem add xxaqsxx
Looking for one to finish bounties and have fun.
I'm on my warlock who isn't a very high lvl. I'm just looking to do the bounties and get a couple wins. Pretty chill runs, add: mjw120
Need 1 for flawless run, have good trials k/d, new card with all boons and a mic. Add: the-blood-wulf
I need 1 for trials must have 1.5k/d or better and I will check here's my stats http://my.destinytrialsreport.com/ps/mrtsps http://destinytracker.com/destiny/crucible/ps/mrtsps Psn mrtsps
LF a trials group. I've already went flawless this week. Just wanna hit up some pvp. Psn same as above. Only add me if you know what you're doing.
I need 2 very exp players to run flawless with. Add same as name must have yr2 emblem. 312+
Looking to join a good team. light 309 crucible kd 1.8 add: MacziTheOne
lfg for flawless run, im working on my 2nd flawless this week I always go flawless w/ all my character every week. Must be atleast 1.40kd w/ yr2 emblem, Must be good w/ both shotgun and sniper (small map this week). add psn: MAKAMANDAG_1103
I need 2 very exp players to run flawless with. Add same as name must have yr2 emblem. 312+
Need 2 nice people to help me get flawless for the first time must be very expirienced flawless multiple times and very good at crucible add stickperson22 Plz I really want to go flawless :)
Need 1 for flawless run Must have been flawless in yr 2 We have been flawless multiple times each Add phatboyzz-xxl
Need 2 to go flawless have 1.4+ kd and have year 2 trials emblem Psn: deadliestsin007
Need 2 more wins for flawless, will finish your ticket with you as well. Add me, please have gone flawless before. Need two players.
Lf 2 ppl for flawless. Inv clayton_cachia
Need 1 with 9-0 card that wants to farm for emblem. Add LITEfarmer420
Need 1 for trials with a KD of 1.5+ add xxginge_skillzxx going flawless
I need 2 for trials must have 1.5k/d or better and I will check here's my stats http://my.destinytrialsreport.com/ps/mrtsps http://destinytracker.com/destiny/crucible/ps/mrtsps Psn mrtsps
Need 1 for flawless run, [b]must be a 305+ Titan [/b] add me and join