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Edited by Paradox1055: 2/15/2016 3:37:30 PM

Lives of ARC Chapter 3: Final Dinner pt. 1

Edward and Gale walked out of the apartment. He took Gale's hand as they waited for a shuttle to take them down to the City. When they landed, they stared up at the Traveler. "Looks so much different from down here." Gale about fell backwards trying to look so high. Edward caught her, then he too, looked up. "Yeah. It's a whole different view from the Tower." They walked down the streets looking at the shops and restaurants. "What sounds good to you?" asked Edward. "I don't know. I'm fine with anything. What do you want? Chinese, Japanese, Italian?" Gale looked up at Edward. "Pizza. That's Italian." Edward looked down to Gale and laughed. "Ugh. We can get pizza to go. I was talking about a fine dining, sit down restaurant." "That place has great booths..." Gale rolled her eyes and sighed. "I know a great restaurant where we can sit on the roof, listen to good music, and watch the sunset." Edward crouched down trying to meet Gale at eye level. They walked around the corner and down the street. Edward asked the waitress for a table on the roof. There were several available seats, which was odd for the weekend. "See, isn't this great? We got an evening sun already." Edward put down the menu and smiled. "And you wanted pizza." Gale smiled back. "It's right over there. One skyscraper jump and a walk and we're there." Edward pointed over the balcony. "We're not supposed use our glide unless it is an emergency. We especially can't use it in a civilian location." "Please, Bones of Eao and I'm jumping like crazy." Edward looked up at the waitresses that kept pointing at them. "What are they talking about?" A waitress walked over to them to take their order. "Would you two like to see the Guardian menu?" Edward looked to the hunter emblem on his shoulder, then to Gale's shoulder, which had a warlock emblem. "What do you say, Gale?" asked Edward. "No thank you. We'll stick to this one." Gale held up the menu that was on the table. "Okay. I'll be back with your drinks." the waitress walked back inside. Drake popped up above Gale's shoulder. "I'm going next door. Have fun Gale. And for you mister, you better keep your fun to a minimum!" Edward slapped his menu on the table. "Can I go?" Kelly appeared above Edward's shoulder. "Go right ahead, but I want you back here at 10:00." "Yes, Daddy." Drake stopped moving when Kelly appeared. "Hello. I'm Drake." "I'm Kelly." Edward stuck the menu between Drake and Kelly. "Drake, remember what I said earlier? You better keep your 'fun' to a minimum as well. Oh, if anything seems out of place, I can always talk to Eli, he'll tell me." Edward put down the menu and watched the ghosts fly over the balcony, Drake was keeping a fair distance from Kelly. "What's with Drake?" Edward shook his head and looked at the menu. "He found me when I was nineteen. He basically became my over protective father. Which, is understandable!" Gale laughed. "It is understandable, but it has been five years. We are both twenty-four." "It guess it is better not to worry about it, Ed. Hey, your getting your revenge with Kelly." "Ha! Yeah, I am." The waitress brought out their drinks. They both were given water. "Excuse me, can we get some wine?" asked Edward. "I'll need to see some I.D." the waitress held the tray in front of her. "Okay." Edward and Gale gave her holographic I.D. cards. "Edward Hayes, age twenty-four. Gale Burke, age twenty-four. Okay, two red wines." once again, the waitress walked off. "So, Ed, why did you sign us up to the Vanguard? That is a huge responsibility!" Gale sipped on the water after asking. "I thought it could be a good way to learn how to work as a team. Also, we might actually change something in this war. Any non Vanguard member is either a scavenger or hang out in the Reef for Prison of Elders." "Okay, but, we won't have whole lot of moments like this..." "That's what makes it a treat." The waitress brought two glasses of red wine and set them on the table. "Are you ready to order?" "Yes. I'll have a twelve ounce steak." Edward went to give her the menu. The waitress just stood there giving Edward a confused and worried look. "A twelve ounce?! That is a titan order!" "So, you're being classist now?" "What would you like ma'am?" the waitress ignored that comment "I'll have the chicken marsala with parmesan." Gale gave the waitress her menu. "That is a great choice." the waitress spoke to Gale with a smile. Edward took that offensively. He picked up his glass as swished it around. "I think any man can eat a twelve ounce steak if they want to." Edward took a sip of it and put it down. "I just remembered something... I don't drink wine." Gale laughed. "It does seem like a titan meal to order." "Yes, but she knew I am a hunter... and said that!" The orange sky was waning as their dinner went on. "The chicken marsala for the woman, and the.. twelve ounce steak.. for you." the waitress scowled at Edward. "You know, you are treating me very poorly, especially since the annual Light Festival was three days ago." Edward leaned forward and placed his elbows on the table. "What are you going to do, give me a bad tip?" the waitress walked away. Edward's mouth was wide open in astonishment. "Just eat, Ed. Just eat." Gale took a bite of the dish. Edward sat back and cut his steak. The sun had dropped below the horizon so the musicians came out. Edward and Gale finished their meal and watched them. They played several aongs, which took about two hours. Instead of playing fast paced, classical music, they played a slow song. Edward gave Gale a smile, a smile she did not like. "Come on, Gale." "I don't dance, Ed." "Neither do I." Edward took Gale's hand and pulled her to an open area. "Sometimes, I don't whether to love you or hate you." Gale continued to dance. "Haha. Well, I love you." Edward watched her eyes. It was 9:45 when they finished their dance. "Do you want to get a desert, Gale?" Edward looked at the desert menu. "Lemon cream pie, triple chocolate cake, ice cream on a brownie?" "No thanks. I think we might need to go home." Edward checked his watch. "Yeah, I guess we could head home." Edward paid for the check, and walked out of the building. "Drake and Kelly got seven minutes." Gale looked in the air trying to spot the ghosts. "They better be back on time." Edward looked up as well. It was 10:01 when they arrived. Drake and Kelly were rushing trying to get back. "We're back! Don't worry, we're back." Drake flew to Gale as Kelly flew to Edward. Edward grabbed Drake's shell. "Guess who wasn't back on time!" Edward spoke through gritted teeth. "Oh gosh..." Drake tried to fly away. "Don't kill him, Daddy! Don't kill him!" screamed Kelly. "This will be a warning, Drake. Though, I'm still going to talk to Eli." Edward and Kelly walked off while Gale and Drake stayed back for a second. "Do you think I scared him?" Edward whispered to Kelly. "Yeah." Kelly spun her shell in excitement.

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