[u][i][b]HERE IT IS EVERYBODY!!![/b][/i][/u]
Ahem. [spoiler]My favorite shows/games are: Two and a half Ogre Everybody hates Donkey Ogre Time with Shrek and Donkey The Amazing World of Farquad Regular Ogre: It's anything but. Ninjogre: Masters of Onions Big Time Ogre Fanboy and Puss In Boots Harvey Ogre Farquad's Modern Life Jimmy Farquad: Boy Genius Shrek's Guide to pretty much everything Swamp Rats Gravity Swamp Shrek and the Swampy Adventures Kirby Charming Doctor Ogre How to train your Ogre Jake Long: American Ogre Girl vs. Ogre The Little Ogre Ogre Story Hey Donkey! Shrek's declassified school survival guide Shrek vs. the forces of Farquad Ogre la Ogre Akame ga Ogre! Swamp -the maxim- Attack on Ogre Shrek's Swamp mysteries Donkey's burgers Shrek and Stimpy My life as a teenage ogre Shrek and Ferb Scooby Ogre Donkey, the cowardly donkey Randy Cunningham: 9th grade donkey Swamp Art Online Swamp Art Online II Borderswamp Borderswamp 2 Borderswamp The Pre-Ogre Tales from the Borderswamp Five Nights at Shrek's Super Swamp Bros. Brawl Super Swamp Bros. Melee Bioswamp Bioswamp Infinite Ogre Man Ogre Man 2 Ogre Man 3 Ogre Man 4-10 Ogre Man Star Swamp 1-3 Ogre Man Legends 1-2 Ogre Man Battle Donkey 1-3 The Binding of Farquad Project Ogre Charming Wars Mineswamp Ogre Rising Ogre Rising 2 Ogre Rising 2: Off the Swamp Ogre Rising 2: Case Ogre! Ogre Rising 3 Ogre Rising 3 Ultra Super Mega Deluxe Omega Alpha Neo Genesis Beta Ultra Supreme EX Super Swamp Bros. Man vs. Ogre Castle Donkeys Pair of Ogres Shrek's home for imaginary donkeys The Good, The Bad and The Farquad The Walking Ogre Fear The walking Ogre Mineswamp: Ogre Mode The Donkey Among Us Swampout 4 Swampout: Brotherhood of Shrek Swampout: New Ogre Swampout Shelter Call of Ogre: Swamp Ops 1-3 Call of Ogre: Modern Swamp Swamp Wars: Donkeyfront Donkey Super Star Ogre Donkey Triple Deluxe Donkey: Lost Swamp Donkey The Donkey 1-4 Puss in Boots: Shattered Onion Puss in Boots: Ogres and Donkeys Shrek's Mansion Onion Moon Rise of the Swamp Raider (this copypasta is copyright WeedMan420.) [/spoiler]