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Combined Light "We are only a spark when alone. We are a blazing fury standing as one!"
This is a heavy weapon that looks like an orb. Any class can use it, and its damage is based on the subclass. When you use this weapon, your guardian raises it in the air and light will strike it. Once infused with Light, you fire it like a continuous laser.
Tier 0: Dark Drought- Heavy ammo do not drop hardly as often due to power of weapon.
Tier 1: Radiate- A small AoE kills nearby enemies when you pull it out.
Tier 2: Combined Light- The more guardians around you, the more powerful it is. Stacks up to 6 times because of raids.
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Fusion Rifle:Molecule Emitter "If it exists just make a copy of it" -Unknown Slot one:none Perk1:none Slot2:none Exotic Perk: makes a copy of the weapon your selected target is using (teammates only) with a full magazine
I thought about that once. Of course you can't exploit this and get grimore cards from it. Sounds great!