I know there are some that are against it because they like the thought of variety it's lack creates through RNG but the weapons in the game are becoming stale now that we can no longer re-roll them and have the chance to try new perk combinations without waiting and grinding for days, weeks, maybe even months before we get the same weapon to drop again with perks anywhere close to what we're after. Several guns that drop in Crucible for example have drop rates that are so low you may never get a good roll on that one gun no matter how much you play.
The lack of weapon re-rolling also gives unfair advantages to players that are lucky enough to get the highly sought after rolls for PvP. How effective a gun is in a competitive PvP shouldn't be based on RNG. It should be based solely on how much of your weekly earned materials you want to invest into improving a specific weapon.
Weapon reforging is already available on a few select weapons each week in the form of the Gunsmith weapons that offers three weekly changing rolls for each gun. You can buy an Armsday package and hold on to it for several weeks if you want to as you will have a chance at three new rolls for that gun every week allowing you to wait until it has the perks your after.
So even if weapon reforging had to be severely limited to say a certain number of times per weapon drop, a number of times per week, or simply require a fairly hefty number of Legendary Marks so that you can't re-roll endlessly, some form of Reforging would be an improvement to being able to get the perks we want to better customize our loadouts, have a chance to get a decent roll on a rarely dropped weapon that you may play for weeks and months before you get another, and also so that when Bungie applies nerfs and buffs to specific weapons like the upcoming December update that affects things like stability, range, ect were not stuck with a roll were using on our favorite guns now that's no longer nearly as effective as other perks then.
If they ever bring back reforging (which was a terrible idea that has caused shotguns to get destroyed forever more) it should make the weapon only usuable in PvE content, not PvP. It broke PvP and caused a lot of problems. Honestly, it should stay gone.