this is because some people are stupid
311 titan lookimg for oryx CP. invite me if you need a player. have ToM
304 wlock lfg golgoroth cp gt is same
305 hunter at oryx cp. Looking to do fast. Done it many times
Need 2 Normal oryx cp Gt same as above
Need 3 for oryx cp. please be experienced. Need it to be quick. Msg shadohs n beer for invite.
Need 1 for golgoroth 315+ looking get it done quick msg me for an invite
Need 2 for war priest message for inv
Need 4 sisters 290+ normal
Oryx checkpoint need 3 message JMS712 for invite
297 hunter Looking for a team to beat oryx for 1st time Have the cp Kinda know what to do for him
Lf 1 at gorgoth. Msg on xbox for inv
Need 3 to help carry a 284 through normal raid
Need 4 for warpreist checkpoint msg AirlessSafe2 for inv 310* and above
2 looking for fresh run gt same as above
Need 4 at oryx. Message Evora xL for inv
2 titans 294 and 287 looking to do freshrun NORMAL I have done this raid many times just looking for a group that can help my friend get through his first oryx raid i have given him the basics of the raid just need a team to do it Invite gt:saltyfawn913269
Need 2 for totems message xxG3T OWNED96xx for inv
Oryx checkpoint need 5 message JMS712 for invite
303 have cp or looking for golgoroth GT:CMFxRacks
Fresh normal raid run looking for 3 people to carry a 284
Need 3 more fresh start oryx normal
Normal raid oryx cp need 2 msg for inv gt: Thadaway01
Join us for normal fresh run any level
Need 3 for normal warpreist message xxMr Milkmanxx0 for invite
Need 3 for normal at oryx cp Msg KAGE Hitman
Kings fall normal Need 5 306 nightstalker (void) hunter 295+ light Level Message Stranded hLgh with light level for invite