this is because some people are stupid
Need 5 people 310+ willing to help me out I just started this account because I am not allowed to sign on for some reason I have plenty of experience and can carry my own
302 hunter GT: a wild atheon
Hosting a normal fresh run. Looking for two players with good snipers and/or malice. Looking to help finish the whole raid on normal. Send message for invite. GT same as above.
Need two for oryx checkpoint 290+ gt above
Need 2 for totems normal. Msg thenino40 for inv
Need 4 experienced for Normal fresh + WP Challenge. Min 300+ Mic required. GT:Generalee 777
Edited by OoNessQuickoO: 1/18/2016 9:29:01 PMI'm a 305 Hunter Looking To Do Any Checkpoint Just invite me and I'll join YOU GT: Same as above (XBOX ONE)
Looking for 3 people for normal war priest challenge kings fall raid. 314 hunter here dragging through people who haven't done it before Message me
Edited by Python824: 1/18/2016 9:05:22 PMNeed 2 normal fresh GT : Python824 Need mic Doing challenge
Need 3 Oryx cp Gt same as above
Edited by XXIl Ares lIXX: 1/18/2016 9:03:28 PMLooking for two at totem checkpoint. Private Message me your gamertag for invite.
I need three more people for fresh normal raid Gt: Huxby just message me
Need 4 for fresh normal run carrying my friend who has not done the raid yet I'm 319 so I know what to do message me for a invite and know what to do or your getting kicked
Need one more at totems gamer tag same as name
Need one for fresh run
Need one for sisters Gt same
need 5 for fresh run and war priest challenge 295+ Msg for Invite GT: Ambishin
Lf2 more for war priest challenge msg Bigdoom1 must have exp and be over 303
Need 3 more for oryx cp gt above mag me for an invite
Need two for orxy cp. At least 1 titan. Everyone is 315+. Message for invite
Need one for gol. Message Snydermonkey Normal
Need 3 for fresh run message for a invite gt same as above
Looking 4 to do normal raid oryx checkpoint Message for invite [b][u]gamertag same as above [/u][/b] [b][u]titan wanted with weapons[/u][/b]
Need 2 for fresh run GT:LivingDe4dKid
Need 4 more for oryx message MorphicX
Need one at gorg message for inv