this is because some people are stupid
Lvl 289 warlock lf raid group msg cptnoobhero
308 warlock need a team for oryx invite me gamertag Rusty81582
Need 5 for Warpriest CP DOING CHALLENGE Message Aoz Bit for invite Know what you are doing
320 looking to help people run through normal gt same as above invite
Edited by XxxCL3EANxxX: 1/18/2016 3:02:22 PM290 warlock lf totems cp or war priest. Coming back to xbone from ps4. Had 320 and 2 319 there know what I'm doing well
Need 2 more for oryx cp 300+ know what you're doing msg gt above
I am a lvl 286 titan and i am looking for people to carry me through kings fall on normal (xbox one)
Need 3 for oryx message for inv
I am a lvl 286 titan and i am looking for people to carry me through kings fall on normal (xbox one)
LF 3 more for Oryx CP normal GT Sgt Hatch
Need three for oryax cp message for inv
I am a lvl 286 titan and i am looking for people to carry me through kings fall on normal (xbox one)
Need one at golg. Gt same
301 hunter with experience. Looking for sisters cp
Need 4 for normal Oryx cp. Msg StridentAlex for invite. Please have experience.
Looking for 4 to do normal raid Oryx checkpoint 313 Titan 308 warlock Message NoBodyCares74D
Looking for a group willing to bring along a kid, very mature and follows directions. Message me if so
Looking for 5 more for war cp and challenge Message HerSausageMan12
LF Daughters CP normal 306 Hunter, GT Sgt Hatch
306 hunter looking for oryx
Need 1 more for totems cp Doing challenge Message: Possesed Knight
Need 3 more for oryx cp message me gt same as above
302 looking for anything invite me
302 Titian needing to do war priest and on invite me
NEED 4 FOR TOTEMS MUST BE 315+light with exp looking to do fast run +challenge msg WELSHDEFENCE LG ON XBOX1 for invite
302 Titian needing to do war priest and on invite me