this is because some people are stupid
Looking for fresh or totems normal Is my second character, titan, and know the raid well Message on xbox
Need 3 for golgoroth normal, message in game for invite
Need one for maze and beyond. GT and as above
305+ light please know what to do msg for inv oryx cp need 4 person with ToM
305+ light please know what to do msg for inv oryx cp need 4 person with ToM
305+ light please know what to do msg for inv oryx cp need 4 person with ToM
287 Titan this is my 5th character I know the raid and challenges looking for normal fresh raid Gt GSCDab710
305+ light please know what to do msg for inv oryx cp need 4 person with ToM
Need: 1 Sisters checkpoint on normal Light level : 306+ Message the GT: Datboimannie For the invite
305 warlock with touch and spindle looking for normal oryx, will do earlier cp if plan t finish, gt same as above
Need two fresh
Need 4 for fresh normal Oryx, message Syn Ceol for invite
305+ light please know what to do msg for inv oryx cp need 4 person with ToM
[quote][quote]301/303 warlock is here gamertag same as above no experience but would like to do a fresh one I need weapons[/quote][/quote]
Need 3 at Warpriest. Msg me for invite
Need 3 for war priest normal!
Need one at war priest cp (normal)
Need three for fresh run oryx hit me up for inve
Need 4 for oryx normal. Gt same as above
My good friend is helping anyone with everything if you need help msg and invite!!!!!! GT: prodigy kakashi Looking forward to helping you all!
Need 5 for oryx 300+ must have touch
300 Titan. Looking to start fresh but I'm not picky. GT is same as above
300 light warlock with self rez and mic can I get an invite
Edited by TD Behemoth9082: 1/18/2016 5:58:17 AMNeed 5 305+ Need Need to know What to do Mic Touch of malice Oryx Cp
Edited by Frankelly: 1/18/2016 5:44:08 AMHow to do orx challenge
Need 1 for sister cp message for inv