this is because some people are stupid
319 hunter. Need 2 for quick normal run from fresh. Message me you light + class on xbox
Need 2 Titans for Warpriest...please have some patients as we do have a fairly low light level participating in the we are trying to carry him through it...please be 305+ must have ToM and it's optional with the Spindle...Thanks GT same as above
Looking for fresh or totem cp. GT same as above
Need 1 for norm sisters 300+ Gt trannyannie92
Need one for oryx :))) would help if you have a mic as long as you know what to do, just send a msg
314 hunter and 312 titan Looking for Oryx CP Message edcrawf
313 warlock looking to run relic at oryx cp
Need 1 for golgoroth normal. Msg in game
311 hunter lfg for fresh normal invite VENOM 34
need 2 for oryx normal msg shootz x
Need 1 oryx normal
Looking to start fresh run normal. We have 2 x 307 experienced hunters with touch. Message gamer tag above for invite
Looking to do fresh normal raid. I need 4 good people to just breeze through the game. I'm well experience and just trying to get it done
Need 3 people for fresh run Message me on xbox for invite
Need 4 for fresh run message xoROMPERox for invite
Hunter 293
Need 3 for oryx cp normal gt same as above
Need 4 for fresh run message xoROMPERox for invite
Need 4 for oryx cp normal gt same as above
318 Titan hosting Normal raid for newbies. Little or no raid experience is fine. Be at least 280 light. Msg me on xbox gt solo oreo
318 Titan hosting Normal raid for newbies. Little or no raid experience is fine. Be at least 280 light. Msg me on xbox gt solo oreo
310 titan looking for hard challenge.
Need 1 for norm golg Gt 300+
Need 3 for fresh normal Xbox one
NEED 1 INEXPERIENCED RAIDER Doing KF fresh You msg me I will check to confirm Msg on xb1 for invite gt is thejusto0820
2 more for fresh run normal with me challenge message me for inv!