this is because some people are stupid
Looking for sisters on normal, I have the checkpoint and need 5. I'm a 306 Hunter with loads of experience and a touch of Malice. Gt same as above
Looking for 1, light 300+ mic needed, fresh normal run message LWChase32 for inv
LF1M at totems message Im swagz 300+
Need 3 for fresh helping a first timer
Need 5 for fresh run message im3xy for invite and please have experience
Looking for guardians for normal fresh raid, 290 or above, gamertag same as above
303 Hunter looking to join a group with Warpriest CP. No challenge mode. Please all know what they are doing. Gt same as above. Normal
309 Titan with touch looking for oryx cp. GT same as above!
I am a 315 Hunter trying to help my friend get through his first raid he is a 291 Hunter can anyone help or have a spot for two for a fresh run? GT: BCovaWantTo23
305 looking for warpriest challenge cp. Have tom and am experienced in raiding
303 Hunter looking to join a group with Warpriest CP. No challenge mode. Please all know what they are doing. Gt same as above. Normal
Need one titan for golgoroth on normal xb1 gt same as above
Need 1 for oryx must be 300+ GT tinydadio86
297 hunter looking for group to do the. Normal raid please send message or invite to Sanjay101
One needed for sisters, NORMAL. In need of a Titan with touch of malice. we are helping two people who've never completed the kings fall raid. Message over XBL for invite, GT same as name.
Need one for war priest gt is same as above
Edited by DSHIZNIT702: 1/12/2016 8:14:18 PMNeed 3 at oryx cp gt same as above
Need 3 for oryx must be 300+ GT tinydadio86
314 titan for oryx, inv ErayzR
Need 1 more at sisters cp. plz have mic. GT same as above
Normal fresh raid Need 1 patient person We have 4 warlocks and 1 Titan, prefer a hunter!
Normal KF at totems. Need 1. Doing challenge. Know what to do and don't be a jerk :) Mic required. GT Adlac
Need 4 for sisters msg for inv
Need three more for oryx, doing it fresh message G3N3RAL WES for invite
Need 2 for fresh raid/challenge 300+ no kids, chill people looking for a good time raiding, please know what your doing.... too many deaths or fups will result in a kick from fireteam
Need 1 for Oryx CP normal Send msg to Rackfoo for invite