this is because some people are stupid
Edited by BOSS HENLEY: 1/23/2016 10:22:18 PMGolgorath challenge normal need 2 Titans
319 hunter need 2 more experienced players with GOOD WEAPONS for golgoroth challenge on normal. Msg me with light and class. Gt: bertxmcgirt
Need one for sisters be 290 and up and be able to take a joke my gamertag is the same as above just message me to join
Need 4 for fresh msg me gt Zhnky
Need 4 for fresh run gt BlueBlood209
Need 5 chill, mature and 300+ people to do fresh run.KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING
Need 4 at sisters. Got a 319 Titan and a 305 warlock. Prefer 300 or above. Msg GT above.
Golgorath challenge normal need 4
Need 1 for sisters Inv Lee2gunz7. There's a 319
Lv308 warlock; need 1 for normal Golgoroth Checkpoint Inexperienced welcome Msg GT: DarkParasite666 for inv
Need 4 for kings fall normal. Msg me for invite Red Warrior 402
Need 1 for normal sistets 305+ preferably with a TOM
313 hunter lf normal raid oryx cp or any. ToM inv mtpatter
Need 3 for sisters. Message: I Feel Busty
Need 2 for fresh run normal xbox one
Need one for sisters normal GT^ same as above
316 warlock need 4 for normal fresh KF mes same like above for inv
Need one for nm Golgoroth challenge. Gt is supernutz360 for incite.
Need one more for fresh run
Need two more for oryx!! Mssg my gt for invite!! Plz know what to do and be ready to take this serious. :)
Need 1 for sisters be experienced
319 titan helping group run through normal. Inv me gt as above
need 1 for daughters cp. message wildbillcfbc for invite.
Need 2 for fresh. Gt same as name send message on live for inv
290 warlock looking for kings fall normal on Xbox one message OlzzlO
316 warlock need 4 for normal KF mes same like above for inv