this is because some people are stupid
Lvl 40(297) Titan looking for kings fall fresh start on normal gt same as above
need 5 for normal fresh start 290+ recommended msg for inv
304 hunter lfg warpriest cp send inv gt werrof ( all weapons are 320) main is 319
Need 3 for fresh raid
Doing fresh run need titan and warlock no hunters 300+
Need 1 fresh norm Got same as above Msg me already started
Need 1 more for totems msg at:kill STr3ker
Need 2 people for kings fall raid, message "look its creamy" for inv.
Need 2 for fresh run. Helping someone run it, must have patience/mic, 300+ light, mesg Phrreak
Hunter and Titan here, looking for fresh run. Both above 300 light and experienced.
Looking for a real try hard sniper no bs trails flawless OGBootyMeat
Sisters cp 300+ msg for inv
[quote]Got two for normal fresh raid! 316 hunter and 304 warlock[/quote]
hosting gorg challenge must know what your doing. message bish mah dude for inv need 5
Need four for golgoroth challenge msg for inv
Need 3 for fresh message for invite
Need 4 for oryx
Need 3 for golgorath challenge
309 warlock need one at sisters
I have two inv SUPR3M3 x AP3X
Need one for normal raid fresh start running my buddy thru I'm a 318 gt same as above
Looking for fresh run I'm 304 warlock gt same as above
Need 4 for golgoroth 310+
looking for XB1 KF raid crew. GT as above
309 hunter looking for norm fresh. Msg or inv, gt above.
Have 2 inv SUPR3M3 x AP3X