this is because some people are stupid
Need to do raid I have two TITAN -308 HUNTER -303 GT: S1AHr2002
307 and 298 looking to join a golgoroth cp. Both have exp Inv Fishycraker
Checkpoint golgoroth doing challenge on normal
Need 3 for gorgoroth challenge, experience required
Oryx cp need 1 msg gt ^^^
Need one for sisters, message disaster 001 on Xbox
Need one for totems send amessage to joje0710
Normal doing golgoroth challenge must be experience
311 hunter Need 3 for fresh run
Looking for fresh run Normal mode. NO party CHAT! Inv: shabbywasher
Need 2 for a fresh run +300 n no kids plz msg on xb1 for an inv
301 and 307 Titans looking for anything totems and above on normal kings fall. Message keyblademastr22.
307 Titan with ToM looking for an inv.
Need 1 for Oryx fresh normal, 18+ experienced
Kings Fall raid normal message for invite
Need Titan 300+ for normal raid message for invite gt same as above
Looking for 2 to kill Oryx on normal. 295+ please. Adults only. Same gt as above
Need 3 for normal taken king raid fresh start need some titans with defender subclass of possible
Need 1 for normal oryx msg xi skyfox ix for inv
Looking for 4 more for totem on normal. Must be a 300+ light guardian. Message xJae of CoDUx for invite
need 1 for daughters
Follow for trials carries all day!
Lf4m for normal kingsfall fresh 300+ plz know what you are doing gt grimmtastic
306 hunter looking for golgoroth cp want challenge gt same as above
Need 3 more for golgorth message gt above for invite
Kings fall raid normal fresh run Need 4 decent players Gt: Dezrihel