this is because some people are stupid
Need 5 for golg challenge nm. Messege Rhinyagami with class and light for inv.
Need 5 for golg challenge nm. Messege Rhinyagami with class and light for inv.
Looking for 4 more at sister on normal
Doing raid need help from 3 more people message xV4LxISxL3G3NDx for invite.
Need 2 for normal fresh message brandon sings for invite
Looking for a team for a fresh quick fun normal run on kings fall light lvl 295+ message me on Xbox if you want in name same as GT
I am a 307 warlock but have beaten the hard raid and am experienced and I have golgoroth cp. Need 5 to do challenge and finish the raid
Need two on totems. Msg for invite
We need 3 more people. We at the totems. Message me for a invite or post on here. My gamer tag is the same as above.
Need 1 for totems cp, I'm a 319 titan helping a few mates out, message for invite
Fresh Run 300 + normal msg same gt msg me must be experienced
Need 3 at daughers we have black spindle and tom message for inv
Need a good and experienced team for Oryx CP Msg me on xbox for inv
Looking for a full team must know what you are doing Gt ninja waffle 01 299-300 warlock
Need 1 more fresh hard raid. Please be experienced, have ToM and Black Spin. 315+ msg in game. Gt same as above.
Need three for gorgoroth cp. message GT
Need 2 for raid, at the totems now GT same as name
Need 4 for a fresh run on normal
Need four for fresh run normal. Challenge too
Need 4 for fresh normal. My friend is 280 hunter and I am 318 Titan. Have patience but he is 310 on PS4.
Need 4 for a fresh run on normal
304 warlock with loads of experience for fresh run message gt above
Need 2 to do a quick normal Raid we are highly experienced Hard Raiders just doing our 3rd Characters msg Swpe FuZe Pls no First timers just Experienced thankyou
Is anybody tryna do normal fresh run I'm helping a friend who did the raid once and know what he's doing message for invite
Need 5 at daughters. 300+. Gt above.
Need 1 for golgoroth NORMAL, GT: jaycrappl3