this is because some people are stupid
Edited by portportport: 1/22/2016 11:54:57 PM309 Titan looking to join KF raid normal (or hard but I've never done it) 20+ invite me
Need 5 people for Kings Fall Raid(Normal) Requirements: •Must be 300+ •Must have a Mic •Be Experienced •Need a good Relic Runner for Oryx when we get there •Must know the GOLGOROTH challenge •Must have a ToM and Black Spindle ------------------------------------- Part of Raid: GLYPHS ------------ 290 Titan Gt: IM 90K STROBE Message me your light lvl and class I'm posting this for my friend
Need 3 fresh norm
Need 4 for sisters cp gt same as above
Need 1 more for GOLGOROTH CP on NORMAL just send a message for an invite with your light level included GAMERTAG: UrBaN HiTmAn 01 or ASH RIOT X
Looking for 3 for fresh run on normal. 18+. Mic. 290+
Would anyone be daring to carry a 271 through easy raid? I know I'm low but I have beaten it multiple times on PS4 so I do know what I'm doing at least, just trying to level up fast, invite PURE RAW JOY
Need six for a King fall raid on normally lvl must be above 290+ message me at KingOfJester for a inv
About to start a fresh normal raid in about 30 min. I have three already. Need 3 more. Send inv to "Gr3y x F0X" zero not an o.
302 hunter wit touch looking for sisters
Need one at Oryx 295+ know what you're doing
Kingsfall warpreist cp 290 and up msg gt for invite
Looking for 4 more for a Fresh run, on Normal. Message Divine OTG with Light Level.
POE 34-35 320 HUNTER looking for 1 more 300+ light player. message me INV to join
281 warlock invite gt same as above
2 309 hunter with ToM and spindle looking for fresh run on normal inv Greg2862
Hosting Normal Oryx need 3 message xXCRESSY EFCXx for invite
295 warlock looking to join any raid, newbie but competent message me on XBL. Connect718
Still need one message GT above with light
Need 2 more at Oryx CP 315 or up. Message jmwhitney7 for invite. Need atleast 1 Titan.
Need 3 for fresh hard raid message: its kaipo for an invite
Need 4 normal kingsfall know your mechanics were doing challenge mode xbl scarred reaper2
Normal Need 2 300+ at Golgoroth gt^ message me on xbox one for game invite
Need 1 for sisters know what to do
Looking for 1 300+ for totems cp must have mic gt same as above
Looking for HARD sisters checkpoint 316 hunter 320 spindle Gt: cryingsaturn90 Invite me :3