this is because some people are stupid
Need one for normal oryx cp msg gt:chestnutemu970 for invite
Need one for sisters. Gt xi0nzer0x
need 1 for sisters cp gt is same as above
Looking to join a team for the normal kings fall raid. 301 Hunter Gamertag LaurentBuskie
Need 2 for sisters on hard, message GT above
Need 3 for golgoroth. Running challenge msg gamer tag above
Desthsingers sisters Need 2 more
Need 2 for black spindle challenge 300+ msg icedBenjii for inv
2 people lf golg cp, challenge or not. 304 with spindle and tether, and 299 stormcaller doing golg for the first time. Message fizzy128
Doing trials come and drop by my stream xigodoix
Need 2 for trials must be experienced and must have been flawless in yr2 msg SilenTreatment8 for inv pls be good
Need 4 fresh run I'm. A 312 Titan normal msg iTTzzzz Dylan inv
need 1 more for totems.msg for invite with light level.
Need 3 for fresh run normal xb1. Please have mic and be 300+ msg for invite
309 hunter with ToM and spindle looking for fresh run on normal inv Greg2862
1 more left for golgoroth cp normal
308 warlock looking for fresh run. Message Adamo8693
Need 5 for golgorath not doing challenge gt same message for invite
Trials -must be good -don't suck -carry own weight -no squeakers -have a good sniper/shotgun -Must have gone Flawless Year 1 and 2 If you got carried through Trials and think your good, don't bother massaging If you wreck in trials, and don't play sweating message me Same gt.
Need 4 fresh I'm at 312 Titan helping my friend he's 287 light fresh normal he's experienced msg Chr0mE X Mage
317 hunter looking for warpriest cp. Inv sliimewallace
320 titan hosting a Normal mode group, need 4 people 290+ light & we are also doing challenge mode. Message for an invite with your light GT is the same.
I'm 252 know what to do this is my second account looking for team to help
Looking for a great team for that has oryx cp I'm great runner msg or inv me gt same
Need 1 for totems
Need 2 fresh run msg above for inv