this is because some people are stupid
Need 2 fresh run msg above for inv
309 oryx cp need team to beat with my WL join or msg same gt
Need 4 for fresh run on normal, msg on Xbox live for invite
I have a checkpoint that goes to daughters so i need a fireteam. Message me, my username is right there
Need 4 more for fresh run 300+ message xxfeedmeexx
Need 4 more players for oryx cp on normal msg Xtraa Snipez for an inv
302 warlock with ToM and spindle looking for fresh
314 tititan looking for normal golgproth cp invite Lov3xMachine
Need o e for black spindle. Message Kusanku79
295 titan looking for kingsfall normal gt same as above
290 hunter lf golgoroth have checkpoint if needed. Know what to do. Have two 320 alts already. Lf a little help getting armor for hunter. In game invite gt- xt3n
@ war priest checkpoint on normal Need 1 more person
Need 4 for warpriest message light and class. I am 318 hunter
Looking for golgoroth challenge, got cp, gt same as above
Need 3 for fresh run Message soullesswolf666 [u]in game for invite[/u]
Need 2 for oryx cp normal Msg on xb1 for invite Gt is thejusto0820
313 lock looking for golg. Gt same as above
need i more to join at totems. msg with light for invite.
299 titan looking for oryx cp team invite gt same as above
314 titan looking to do golgorth challenge Invite gt:saltyfawn913269
313 hunter looking for fresh run my mic broke but can still hear through it gt lukelammert
Need five for a normal fresh run on kf. msg gt above for a invite.
309 hunter looking for sisters or oryx cp gt L1NN1
Need 1 totems hard mode
313 hunter looking for fresh run my mic broke but can still hear through it gt lukelammert
Fresh run, Kings fall Need 4 Gt Monster Matt24 Xbox 1