this is because some people are stupid
At sister cp Normal Looking 305+ that know carries today due to time restrains ToM is plus Msg Thus Beard Let me know what you are bringing
Oryx 290+ message Cosmic Jim 111 if interested
Need 3 for Transept (Jumping Puzzle before Daughters). 300+ with experience with the entire raid. Msg for inv. Gt same as above. Normal
Need one for last part. Message me for invite. GT : Vicztor
Need 3 for Transept (Jumping Puzzle before Daughters). 300+ with experience with the entire raid. Msg for inv. Gt same as above. Normal
Need 4 people for Oryx cp on normal. Message DRadames809
319 Hunter looking help out on normal raids. Message gt above on Xbox with you cp and how many players you have
need 1 for oryx have touch of malice and be 310+
Need 2, Hosting golgoroth cp challenge, 300+, must have completed challenges before. Must know what your doing or you will be removed and replaced. Msg for inv, mic required as well.
Need 4 for sisters cp. Normal. GT MayhemLikeMe808
Oryx cp - spend run - know what you're doing [b]MESSAGE : [u]MichaeI Smiff[/u] (the L is a capital i)[/b]
Golgoroth cp msg above for inv doing challenge 300+
Need 1 at totems
Need 1 for fresh run and challenge. Message class and light to hornphoenix6177 for inv
318 Hunter Need 1 for totems 285+ Msg Ty Deh Guy for invite
318 Hunter Need 1 for totems 285+ Msg Ty Deh Guy for invite
1 for oryx msg for Inv gt HAUN CENA
Need 2 for normal raid msg for inv
Message cloak and dagger for raid
Need 3 for fresh run
Looking for normal gokogroth cp. Send me a game inv. Gt: kpino2008.
Looking for normal gokogroth cp. Send me a game inv. Gt: kpino2008.
319 hunter with 320 spindle looking for golgoroth cp. Invite GT: GazTommo
Been looking for groups all day with no luck. So starting my own Fresh KF raid Looking 300+ that know carries today due to time restrains ToM is plus Msg Thus Beard Let me know what you are bringing
Need 2 +305 for fresh start gamer tag above
Need 2 +305 for fresh start gamer tag above