this is because some people are stupid
Hosting fresh raid. 300+, must have completed challengea before. Must know what your doing or you will be removed and replaced. Msg for onv, mic required as well.
Need one experienced Titan oryx cp . Please know what you are doing
319 Titan looking for experienced team to beat oryx . Die twice , I will boot you . I dont have all night for oryx . MSG for invite
Need 4 for oryx cp
Need 3 for sisters cp normal be 300+and know what your doing as want this and oryx done quick. Msg for inv
Need 3 experienced 305+ for sisters cp, send Rq Notajetski a messa
Need 1 for warpriest and rest of hard. Titan preferred. 315+ GT above.
Lf 3 more experienced 300+ for fresh normal kingsfall Msg gt above
Lvl 304 hunter Need help killing oryx for a mission Looking for a group of generous experienced players to help me do that Name is the same Inv me =]
Need 2 for golgoroth 300+ preferred msg gt above for invite
Need 3 for golgoroth 300+ preferred msg gt above for invite
Need one for normal warpreist meesage me GT: Panthers926246
316 hunter Oryx checkpoint on hard. Would do normal oryx so can finish quest for touch of malice. Only did fight once but listen well. Add xs4mmyo or msg me
Need 1 for fresh run. Message JR5051 for invite.
Need 3 for golgoroth 300+ preferred msg gt above for invite
Looking for raid group Msg pls stand by Have mic Playing voidwalker Have 301 light Have done it before on norm Msg pls stand by
309 Titan looking for oryx normal cp inv me gt same I'm very experienced
Hard oryx cp, Just know what to do dont suck or get the boot. Gt same
Need team for fresh run, trying to get it done fast message me for invite
*Sisters cp normal* 300+ or will get kicked Experienced or will get kick Carry your own weight Sorry but I want it done
Edited by bananakkin: 1/20/2016 6:30:52 AM313 Titan w\touchofM looking to start fresh or do Gol challenge Gt- OverrBoost
Need one more for normal raid Dgaf about light Message: ItsTooRiskyBro
304 Titan with ToM lf fresh run
Need one for sisters norm
Lvl 300 hunter with tom looking for golgoroth on. Don't care challenge or not. Experienced player.
313 Titan looking for gorgorath challenge Gt- OverrBoost