this is because some people are stupid
300 Titan looking for fresh run inv EliteZombie821 I'm experienced and have touch of malice
309 titan looking for a Freshrun
Need one guardian for normal raid. Sisters cp. Message me gt same as above. Have to be patient runninh 2 New people through.
*Golgoroth cp normal* 300+ or will get kicked Experienced or will get kick Carry your own weight Sorry but I want it done
305 Titan for fresh. message in game. gt same as above.
Msg for binetto21 for fresh run need 1
Looking for normal fresh run
Looking for 1 for normal warpriest cp msg St0neWallJaks0n
Hunter 303 Kings fall inv me
Need 1 for golgoroth challenge send message ingame for invite must have done before and completed it know what you are doing
309 hunter. Experienced with ToM and other raid weapons. Invite 300+ gt same as above
Need 2 for golgoroth cp
*Golgoroth cp normal* 300+ or will get kicked Experienced or will get kick Carry your own weight Sorry but I want it done
*Fresh run normal* 300+ or will get kicked Experienced or will get kick Carry your own weight Sorry but I want it done
Need 1 for golgorth cp
317 Titan & 312 warlock carrying our friend first time for normal raid. Msg xXMrGagliardoXx for inv
Looking for fresh run , invite daddy Gianni . 309 Titan with touch
300+ Need one for gorgroth cp Get solo x zeroz
need 4 for fresh 300+ must have mic gt is xpawk
Need 1 at sisters cp. message at UnkleBuckshot15 for invite
Need 4 for Golg checkpoint. GT same. NO KIDS!
303 hunter with normal oryx cp. Be experienced.
300+ fresh tom and spindle preferred must have mic nd exp msg Herriss or Fieldsyy for invite
Looking for 1 more for kings fall fresh run on normal. Same gt as above
3 for fresh norm Doing the challenge