Me and my boyfriend are willing to help new Guardians get new gear and experience Destiny for the first time, hoping it will be as amazing for you as it was for us when we first started up the game. Hoping two of you out there are in search for help and amazing gear and experience,
My Gamertag is [b]Yumi355[/b], here's my code: [url][/url]
His Gamertag is [b]Art Kirk[/b] and code is: [url][/url]
Hi! I'm Cannibinoids and I've been playing Destiny since the day it first came out. With the new refer-a-friend program I can do a special quest with a new guardian. Someone atleast who has purchased the Destiny: The taken king version within the past 7 days. Now im looking for such a guardian to complete this quest with. Not only am I looking forward to the special exclusive loot that we will both earn but also i am looking forward to getting a new player hooked onto this game here. Please contact my xbox one gamertag: Cannibinoids