Now that shotguns will be nerfed yet again they will be useless. Why? Because the concepts of using weapons in their intended ranges, being situationally aware, and using the [b]full time in game radar[/b] seem to be forgotten by all the crucibabies. So when December comes and it's a straight Handcannon sniper fest yet again I don't want to see anyone complaining. Because you crucibabies can't adapt this games PvP is a joke. I'm mostly a PvP player and even I'm disgusted by the amount of pathetic players that can't take responsibility for their losses. You guys need to get good or go home. I'm seriously hoping they remove PvP from this game to save it. I hope you cancerous players don't infect other games with your whining.
Actually it's not the crucible players asking for nerfs. It's the people who play PVE and then decide they want to do iron banner or trials to get the gear and realize that they suck. People who mainly play crucible don't have many complaints about the crucible