Bad snipers are the same as bad shotgunners: they make up the vast majority of the playerbase and are usually outplayed by better players. whether they use a sniper or a shottie, it's the same thing.
In my experience at least.
Edited by sicklecell419: 11/28/2015 7:02:12 PMWell the new meta, when 6/10 people are sniping and the majority are not very good. It still isn't that difficult for them to get kills. Funny how people complain about shitguns but when you miss a snipe you're much safer in your lil bush campin across the map, and can just strafe behind cover. Anyways people will more than likely wish shitguns didn't get nerfed to the ground in December when every IB match is a 6v6 sniper fests. Trials is w/e most teams ran 2 snipers before, but now it's more like 3 snipers every match. Quite frankly It's boring, shotgun pushing is more exciting and less forgiving if you make a mistake. More awareness is needed imo.
Edited by Adam: 11/28/2015 7:12:29 PMOverall I think both snipers and shotguns will always be a balance issue. if you can use them effectively, they will always beat out primary weapons, just because of their one hit kill nature. If you know your ammo spawns, you can run around the entire game with a shotgun/sniper/Fusion Rifle. I think special ammo availability is the real problem. Imagine if in Halo you spawned with a sniper rifle/shotgun and could use it for the entire game. You'd barely use a Battle Rifle since the sniper or shotgun has so much more kill potential. The way Destiny is built to have us spawning with these power weapons will make it very, very hard for Bungie to balance them.
If they made snipers unable to strafe when hardscoping for one, it would help balance it a lot. Also aiming and running with a sniper should be slower than with a primary. Currently they're easier to handle than primaries, that's a problem. For shitguns they should get rid if the high range high impact Conspiracy Theory types. That would help with balancing a great deal.