titan 317 light carrying to flawless. im top 2% in trials add total_currieness. doesnt matter what light. payments may be required
stats are found here http://destinytracker.com/destiny/playlists/ps/total_currieness/trialsOfOsiris
follow my twitch and watch me stream here http://www.twitch.tv/totalcurrieness
TRIALS OF OSIRIS [PS4] - Trying to achieve flawless with a new alt account. I've previously gone flawless. - Add Ambesto.
Looking for someone to be willing to carry me to the lighthouse. I've never been and just want to get there for once in my life. I'd greatly appreciate it. Message me or add me on Ps4 Andr3s900
Looking for someone to be willing to carry me to the lighthouse. I've never been and just want to get there for once in my life. I'd greatly appreciate it. Message me or add me on Ps4 Andr3s900
Hello I'm looking for 2 players who have preferably been flawless for 5 wins or even a flawless on a passage. So pls have mic and preferably been flawless with a good kd and can carry their own weight. msg thexplosivepinea on ps4 for inv
Add me aallii5 light 313 looking to do trials bounties
314 hunter who has never been to lighthouse. Never played yr2 trials either. My gear is good, just need team and tips. Add yupkgbyup if u have 2 and can help