So after many 8-1 attempts I finally went flawless. Got a 314 waterstar from the chest. It has underdog as its 2nd perk. I used to love handcannons but I can't deliver with them after the weapon nerf. I went flawless with my Doctrine of Passing and I love it for CQB, but at the same time Nirwen's mercy is great for mid-long range
I'd infuse it into my ToM but I hardly use that gun, same thing with NTTE since I got black spindle.
Edit: its currently on my hunter. With the right weapons on I can now hit 315. From most of the comments I think I'll be hanging onto this gun until the next weapon "rebalance"
Also, for people looking for a gun that can compete with pulse rifles and 9 times out of 10 can beat them in CQB, go with the Doctrine of Passing. Go for the highest stability build and try to get counter balance. Think hardly recoils and with the auto rifle buff it will be op
Infuse it into something. Anything.