So I turned on the TV just now. I thought I left it on a news channel, but for some reason it was on some kids network airing spongebob. I watched a few minutes of it while setting up my workspace for the evening. It was the episode of sponge bob in which he dates a krabby inanimate object/food. Society disapproves, and he has to get rid of it to make himself normal again.
It was at that moment that I realized, This episode is literally telling kids to not go out and fall in love with fake things that can't show emotion.
Think about the message there. Nickelodeon snuck that shit in.
People dating inanimate objects or characters that aren't real. falling in love with things that weren't human, how weird it looked...
And now look at what we have today. People falling in love with cartoon characters in creepy ways, people claiming characters from anime are their GF...they totally knew what was going to happen.
They tried to prevent this.
They even warned people about trolls! And how they're almost always bullshitting or are easily knocked down a peg once their argument fails to hold water (see sponge bob episode "pickles")
Think about it.
It just goes to show that older cartoons really did have great messages for children in the future.
Nickelodeon: preparing kids for the world through hidden cartoon messages since whenever they were established.
[spoiler] Boolean shitpost = false;
Int X=0;
If (X=1){
Shitpost= True;
The lid