Just a random thought I had. Let's solve an age old question. When do you take a shower for the day? I always take mine at night because I don't wanna go to bed dirty. How about you guardians?
[b]Edit 1:[/b] A lot of people are saying different things. It depends a lot on everyone's job. Some people shower at night because they are construction workers for example. Or some people take baths and not showers.
[b]Edit 2:[/b] When do your Guardians take showers? :P
[quote][b]Ninja edit:[/b] [spoiler]This thread has been moved to the #Off Topic forum. [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/140391030/0/0]See Cozmo's thread here[/url] for more information about the #OffTopic tag and its uses.
Feel free to private message the moderator who moved your post, [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Profile/254/4878]Spawn,[/url] for further clarification about why this topic was moved.[/spoiler][/quote]
So this gets moved to off topic but the other thousands of off topic post remain, okay....
Most mornings and some nights. It depends
Every morning because when you sleep you can sometimes sweat. Also ill take in the afternoon if i get sweaty playing a sport or something but every morning
After spending too much time on bnet.
Pfft showers. hah. I took an oath to honor the neckbeard lifestyle. All white knights gather round and rejoice in our egotistical, superiority stench. This my brothers, is the smell of scented lotions and one week without deodorant. Women cower before us and reveal thy number.
I haven't showered in 3000 years.
At night to give me more time in the morning.
It's kinda 50/50 for me
When im dirty...
I think my hair always gets oily really fast so I take showers in the morning. Cause if I take them at night It feels like I haven't taken a shower in over a day by about 3PM.
Depends when I feel like it
This is answers nothing.
I take them at night if I'm working night shift
I'm the morning to wake myself up and be clean for the whole day, I don't see a point to get all clean and then just sleep for however long, seems like a waste to me
I take them in the morning to wake myself up... I wake up at 5:00 mostly every day
Before I go to work or go out and about.
Mostly at night, but if I miss it or something, I'll take it in the morning
A warm shower before sleep makes you fall asleep instantly.
I don't have time in the morning, so it's either 10:30PM, or 7:00AM. Nothing better than getting out of the shower and getting into a clean, fresh bed. Mmm... Toasty.
I have long hair that takes a while to dry and I don't like sleeping with wet hair, so in the morning.
In the morning unless I plan on doing something that'll make me sweat. Then I'll wait until after that.
Both, when I wake up before work and when I get in from work
I take showers in the morning because I feel dirty if I don't.
When i get dirty. Who showers just because they havent that day?
[quote]guardians[/quote] BE GONE DESTICLE.