Just a random thought I had. Let's solve an age old question. When do you take a shower for the day? I always take mine at night because I don't wanna go to bed dirty. How about you guardians?
[b]Edit 1:[/b] A lot of people are saying different things. It depends a lot on everyone's job. Some people shower at night because they are construction workers for example. Or some people take baths and not showers.
[b]Edit 2:[/b] When do your Guardians take showers? :P
[quote][b]Ninja edit:[/b] [spoiler]This thread has been moved to the #Off Topic forum. [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/140391030/0/0]See Cozmo's thread here[/url] for more information about the #OffTopic tag and its uses.
Feel free to private message the moderator who moved your post, [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Profile/254/4878]Spawn,[/url] for further clarification about why this topic was moved.[/spoiler][/quote]
After banging your mom
February 29th...
Ummm both?
Depends how tired I am at the current time.
Normal: night Drunk/hungover: morning
I chose in the morning but I have one at night as well
Just after the [i]loading[/i] screen comes up
Work in a kitchen so at night after work. In the summer or when i'm hung over, both
Weekends - Night Weekdays - Morning ~[i]TheGreatNike[/i]
At night, after work.
Trick question. I work night shift which nights for people in my area is morning for me. I take my daily shower during both at the same time.
Where is the "I don't shower at all" option?
I take a quick 2-3 min shower in the morning just to wake up and fix the bed head. Then take a 5-10 min shower after work since I work outdoors and usually build up a good sweat
Must say it depends, sometimes at night, sometimes in the morning
Where is the both option?
Niggt in my opinion is better -you get to relax yourself -sleep clean -keep bed clean smelling nice -dont have to wake up even earlier to shower Btw . If you shower in the am , yourr more than likely going to bed somewhat dirty. That means you sleep in your filth which doesnt feel comfortable
After the gym.
Usually at night. But if I feel sluggish.....didn't sleep well & have the time, I take a quick one in the morning to help wake up.
Weekends- in the morning Weekdays- at night Summer/winter break- mornings
After work (afternoon), and on my days off it just depends on my mood so it's never routine. I prefer morning though.
Once or twice a month, drum corps showers or gtfo